5 Ways to Improve Your Sleep


Sleep, sleep, sleep, one of the things I miss the most during exam time, or during school in general, ‘cause you know… why not start writing the essay the night before it's due? But we are not here to talk about that, but what can be done to improve it. God knows that I want to sleep when I have no time, and I can't fall asleep when I actually have enough time to do it. Real Housewives and different trash-TV shows can do that. Anyways, here are 5 tips that helped me in the past few months to improve my sleep.

1. Schedule your life

Easier said then done, right? But it is important, not only to get your body used to a certain amount of sleep, but also to a certain sleeping schedule. Find your own sleeping cycle, the one that works the best for you. A lot of people don't know, but you don't have to sleep 8 hours straight every night if it's not for you. You can sleep once for 8 hours, or nap 4 times a day. There are different sleeping cycles you can choose from (polyphasic \ monophasic). And you can always experiment and find (or start a new) cycle that works best for you.

Different cycles you can choose from:

A schedule is good for you overall, and not only sleep wise. I manage to do a lot more when my day (and night) are scheduled.

2. Aromatherapy

Sense of smell is a powerful tool. Cleanliness will not only help you sleep better, but lets face it, it is a lot nicer to be fresh and clean before you go to sleep. I also discovered a few months ago, that using Lavender scented products helps me fall asleep. In the image above, you can see the Sleep Aromatherapy products (lavender and camomile sented). One is a spray used on bed sheets and pillows. Another one is massage and bath oil. And a candle can add to the overall scent. All three of these are from Bath&Bodyworks. In addition to that there’s the lavender drops that can be used on the electronic heating vessel, so it will be safe to use while you sleep, and the house won’t burn down.

3. Clear your mind and just breath

That time at the first day in 7th grade, when I fell on the my butt at the stairs and I was new at the school.. that is the thought that jumps in to my head the moment I decide to go to sleep, and even though it happened years ago I start to panic about something that took place so long ago, and if it's not that.. then maybe it's the homework I need to do, or all the things I'll have to complete tomorrow.. All this because my mind LOVES to play tricks on me before I go to sleep. 

Sometimes music helps to calm me down and clear my mind, and sometimes it just plays as a background companion to my worries. Here are my tips to clearing the mind before sleep, in these days when you are fighting with your brain about sleep. First of all, I write right before I go to sleep in my diary, I just throw up on the paper any possible though so it won't hunt me later. Then I use different breathing techniques to induce sleep, and to focus on the breathing and not on the thoughts.
Clearly different methods will work on different people, try to find the best way to clear your mind before sleep. 

I usually find that the 4-7-8 breathing technique (exhale completely through the mouth. Close the mouth and inhale quietly through the nose and count to four. Now hold the breath for a count of seven) 

4. Shake your butt- or in other words, SPORTS SPORTS SPORTS

I hate working out.. until I start working out. The worse is behind me is when I actually get up and go to the gym, or just start moving around. Some music and after five minutes I'm so into it, and I don't understand why wasn't I doing it before. So brake the lazy habit, get yourself of the sofa and DO IT! it will help your body to get tired. It is healthy for you anyways, so just work out. Find the sport you like, whether it's dance, tennis, running or playing soccer. When I actually do work out I sleep so much better, and I'm full with energy -- which is ironic cause I'm "using" energy, and than I'm gaining more energy in return. It's like spending money and getting money back for spending it. A nice deal if you ask me. 

So Don't be lazy and go WORK OUT!

5. Watch what you eat And drink

Coffee with cake before bed is not a good idea, and so is pizza and coca-cola. A sugar rush might give you some energy, and then it will cause you to fall asleep, but you will want to wake up to snack when the sugar will drop. So eat healthy and drink healthy! don't let your body scream at you it's hungry, or thirsty when you are sleeping. Drink water, eat a lot of protein and less sugar and processed food. Personally I'm doing my best to eat as paleo as possible.

Have a good sleep everyone! Try to enjoy some lucid dreaming!

Mitsey Dosent need to improve her sleep.


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